Lifestyle Wellness

Being In Control of Your Day

Do you ever feel like you are chasing your tail or just rolling with the punches? Do you ever feel like it seems like life just happens to you instead of you deciding what happens in your life? That used to be me all the time. I used to be world’s worst at just letting life happen. Now, I have a better handle on how my days run.

For years, it seemed I would let my life, my reactions, and what I do be controlled by other people or just simply circumstances. After years of heartache and feeling like everything in my life was based on something or someone else, I now choose what my days consist of, and I choose who I associate with, trust, and be friends with.

Not only is this important from a relational type angle, as I stated above, but also from a tactical daily tasks and priorities standpoint. In other words, what I mean is, every night I plan out my next day, in a to do list style. I don’t always get to all the items on my list, but with a plan for my day, I somehow seem to operate better with a plan. Dylan and I discuss what each of has to do the next day after work, so I know when to have supper ready. Every Sunday I make a menu plan for the week, so I know exactly what to cook every night when I get home from work.

Things don’t always work out as planned, but at least my days aren’t ran flying by the seat of my pants, just rolling with the punches that come at me. Instead, they are planned, structured, and better maintained.

Being a pen and paper person, I always use either a notebook or a paper calendar. I like writing things down and checking them off(well, really I highlight them to show them completed). A planner I have used and love is the Emily Ley planner she launches each year. I also love using spiral bound notebooks with sayings or pretty designs on them like the ones here and here. I highly recommend spiral bound planners or notebooks. They are easier to write in and you don’t have to worry about the binding breaking apart. Spiral bound are my favorite, but choose whatever works best for you. A few that are not spiral bound can be found here and here.

Regardless of the type of planner you use, the main goal is to be on the front end of your days, but planning ahead. Plan everything. Even a daily walk, what to cook for supper, or what cleaning tasks you need to do.

I am someone who wants to do so many things. I have a lot of goals, and things I want to accomplish. Without a plan, I will never get them done. There is nothing wrong with scheduling things you want to do so you can get them done. That is the key thing to do in order to be in control of your day: scheduling and planning.