Lifestyle Writing

How to Do A Weekly Brain Dump to Clear Your Head Before the Start of the Week

In today’s world, it is easy to stay in a frame of mind, that is stressful and sometimes overwhelming. At the start of each week (technically on Sunday evening), I do a brain dump into my little notebook, of all of the things (both big and small) I can think of that need to be done that week. This allows everything to get out of my brain and onto paper.

We tend to carry around unneeded stress, a large part because, we try to carry it all in our brain. By dumping all those things onto a piece of paper, it clears your head. Makes space. Gets what’s in your head, out of your head, and in a list of sorts, that you can then prioritize by importance. And many times, when we see something on paper, we can tackle how to handle a problem better, or come up with a better solution. It makes it seem somewhat easier to tackle.

So here is how I do my weekly brain dump:

  • Choose to do the brain dump either on Sunday evenings or Monday mornings. I do Sunday evenings. It makes me feel less rushed rather than doing it on Mondays. It also allows me to get the items out of my head quicker, and gives me more time to keep adding items if I need to. I’ve also found that Mondays are kinda crazy and hectic. A Monday is a Monday, you know. I prefer to to have this already done the day before.
  • Choose a notebook (any size) that you can use each week to brain dump in. I use a little 3″x5″ notebook because it becomes my to do list. My little notebook will fit in all my purses, and goes everywhere with me. If need to add something to it, I can because it is always with me.
  • Then on Monday morning, or you can do this on Sunday night if you prefer, prioritize the items. I prioritize my Monday with what has to be done, amid the new requests, tasks, etc. I look at my list of items not completed the week before, and the new items I have added, to see what are items that have to get done. I then will star those priority items.
  • Then I take each item task by task, and start tackling them. To take them task by task, you are less likely to get overwhelmed because you are looking at just one task at a time. You trick your brain, in a sense, into thinking it is not overwhelmed. So focus on one item. Complete it (I highlight once completed). Then move on to the next item.
  • As the week progresses, I keep adding and crossing off items, to the list. This helps me to make sure I get everything done that week that needs to be done. It also keeps it all in one spot. All my to do’s in one place.
  • At the end of the week, look at the list and see how much you completed. If it was a hard week and you accomplished little, make sure you got all the have to items done, and be proud of yourself.

So, give the ole brain dump a try. I don’t think you’ll regret it. It helps to relieve stress when you feel overwhelmed. It helps the tasks to seem more manageable.

And speaking of relieves stress, I also do this when I am very overwhelmed and frazzled. Doesn’t matter what day it is. But when I do this kind of brain dump, I usually use a single piece of paper and get all my thoughts down and out of my head. You will be amazed to find that this little exercise is well worth it.

I have also done this exercise after a long day at work, when I feel like my brain is fried, and I can’t sleep until I get it all out of my head and onto paper. Great stress reliever. Just try it.

I have also heard of people using a the voice notes app on their phone to get it all out of their head. If you are not a pen and paper person like I am, that may be the way to go. Or get it all onto a Google Doc, or the Notes app on your phone. But either way you choose to do it, I hope it helps you to be less overwhelmed, and more calm and productive.

Share in the comments how you do your brain dumps. Have a great week!