
All the Books I Read in January 2023

This year I want to read more books. I read a lot of books, but many times I start and stop them because I get bored or just not into it. So my goal this year is to read about 30 books.

So far, I am off to a pretty good start. January was a pretty good month for reading. The three books I read in January are 3 of my favorites. Two of them I reread and one is a new one that I will probably reread as well; it was so good. (If you are interested, I can do a blog post about rereading books in the future).

Starting with the first book I read, Rachael Ray 50 by Rachael Ray. This is a memoir and cookbook together. I love anything Rachael Ray, but I especially love her memoir cookbooks. The last few cookbooks she has written have been like memoirs. They are filled with not only comforting recipes, but stories about her family, friends, work, and lifestyle.

My favorite part of the memoir is when she writes about her working career and her mother’s career. Rachael talks about how she has spent her life trying to live like her mother and trying to work as hard as her mother did. Apparently, her mother worked like 90 hours a week, as Rachael shared in the book. Remarkable! Rachael is one of the hardest workers in the industry as well. Just look at how many shows and cookbooks she has done over the span of her career.

30 Minute Meals was my favorite cooking show she did. But I also still watch her daytime show as well everyday (I DVR it everyday). I believe I have almost all of her cookbooks, and use them regularly. She exudes great work habits, and and an impresive entrepreneurial spirit.

The next book I read was What I Know For Sure by Oprah Winfrey. Ok, so don’t judge, but this is probably the 5th time I have read this book. It will go down as one of my all time favorite books I have ever read.

If you remember, when Oprah had her monthly magazine, the last page was always a little column, written by her, titled What I Know For Sure. This book is a compilation of Oprah’s favorite monthly columns.

Inspirational books are so important to me. Which is why this book is such a fave of mine. I love how she talks about setting aside time every night to read, having tea in the afternoon everyday, and how serious she takes her pleasures. I too, set aside time every night to read. It is like my end all be all before I can go to sleep. Reading is relaxing and calming. I read mostly physical books, so no blue light issues for me most of the time.

So, if you want a good inspirational read, this book is one to read…hands down.

Taking care of yourself is so important and she helps to show you what she does to accomplish this regularly. Which leads me into the third book I read in January, I Am Invincible by Norma Kamali. Kamali really dives deep into taking care of yourself through every decade of your life. She is a fashion designer and entrepreneur who I admire very much; especially after reading this book. At 75 years old, she is still a vibrant and energetic human, along with being so inspirational to all ages of women and men.

She touches on meditation, exercise, eating good, working hard, and even hormones. This book is kind of like a little handbook for life. Written and published in 2021, this book is so relevant for this age and time we live in right now. She makes you feel empowered and strong. Letting you know you can do this life. I cannot stress enough how much you should read this book. While many of the things she shares tips for, are common sense, but sometimes we just need that little nudge to realize it. What is most inspiring to me is that she is 75 and going strong. I want to be that at 75. If you do too, take care of yourself. Kamali is so wise and can help show you how to do just that.

Well, that sums up all the books I read in January. I hope you like this type of sharing reviews. I am planning on making this a monthly series on the blog. Last November I did a book review of the highly acclaimed bestseller that just came out in January, Maame by Jessica George. My other book review can be found here.

Have a great start to your week!
