Lifestyle Writing

Calm Music As Your Muse

Over the years, I have grown to love calming music more and more. Loud noises really kind of make me anxious and a little nervous. Sometimes it is more prevelant than at other times. One of those times, is in the evenings. After a few hours of watching television and laughing or having the surround sound on while watching a movie, usually around 9pm, it’s like my head is just ready for quiet; for calm.

I’ve also discovered that I write so much better stories and essays when calm music is my muse during the writing process. While I do love all genres of music (this includes Pop, Rock, Alternative, Country, some Rap, and more), I return back to the same playlist on Spotify that is so soothing. Calm music helps my mind to slow down enough to think slower and more clear, therefore putting together more flowing sentences.

Discovering that I also write better without the tv on has been paramount. I write to calming music before the tv comes on. If I can’t get to writing before the tv comes on, I will put my AirPods in to listen to calming music while I write. I can say the same for reading. For some reason, I have always had trouble concentrating on what I’m reading if there is a lot of noise and things going on in the background. Like the tv being on. I am really working on getting over this hurdle that I’ve struggled with my whole life.

But the same as with writing, I can concentrate so much better on what I am reading, either in the quiet or a calm playlist playing in the background. So I guess you could say that calm music is my muse. It is my guide to lead me to my thoughts and ideas before they go onto the paper. The calm acoutistical or piano playing just bring a lot of calmness, sereneness, and peace. Maybe if your a writer, you might be the exact opposite from me. Your muse may be heavy metal. And you know what, that is ok. Whatever music it is that is your muse, to help you to write, allowing the words to just flow out of you, is perfectly fine and acceptable. Everyone is different. If we were all the same, this world would probably be very boring.

What is your muse? Is it not even a playlist or kind of music (it doesn’t have to be music)? Whatever your muse for writing, thinking, relaxing, or even reading, is yours only. Your preference that makes you, you.
