
Create A Daily Writing Habit

The majority of my life, minus when I was between the ages of, oh let’s say, 0-4, I have loved to write. Whether it is learning to write letters and writing my spelling words in first grade, to learning cursive in second or third grade, to journalling in sixth grade, and then after that personal journalling, writing papers for college, or free-hand writing. Oh, and writing on the inside of cards (birthday, Anniversary, V-Day, etc) some really meaningful and thoughtful note to the recipient. You get the idea…I love to write.

Writing is really an everyday part of my life. List-making is one of my favorite things to write. I write lists upon lists about anything and everything. There is just something about writing something down and crossing it off once it is completed. Being a pen and paper person, I definitely help to keep the notebook companies in business.

As a little girl, my mom taught me to always take a bag with me every time we go somewhere so I always had something to do. (My dad was a preacher and we were always going to meetings, church events, etc. I always had to go with them until I was old enough to stay at home). My bag always consisted of a pen or pencil and a notebook. Sometimes she would put a coloring book and crayons in there, but most of the time it was just a pen and a notebook (my preference). I would practice writing my cursive, and many times, I would take notes of the business meeting we would be in (that meant nothing to a little girl), just so I could write something. We can blame my momma for teaching (she was a Teacher in real life!) me to love to write, and to always have something to do because you never know how long you will be there. (My dad was always long-winded when talking or visiting people–this is still his gift. LOL).

Now as an adult, I still always take a bag with me that has a pen, pencil, notebook, and book to read. It’s usually my LL Bean bag with my name on it. When we go camping, my bag goes too, with all my stuff. My husband likes to joke with me about my bag. I don’t mind at all, because I have to have my writing and reading stuff with me at all times.

This little blog has been a start, stop, restart, stop, contemplate, over-analyze, and then finally deciding once and for all to just do it, even if it is only for the sake of just writing essays everyday. For two years, this doubt and fear to have this blog has enveloped me. But I am just going to start and keep going. Not deleting old posts (this is what I did before I restarted this time). Keeping all the posts from here on and then I can see hopefully how my writing habit and skill progresses post after post.

Something I want to let you know, which I am sure you will find out in my writing, is that I like lots of different things, and writing just about anything. You can get an idea of what topics I will cover on this blog in last week’s post. So if you are expecting a very specific niche, you probably won’t find it here. It is my hope that I can bring you pleasure through my writing, whether it be an essay about writing, a post about a beauty product, a book review, or a recipe. So in order for this blog to reflect what I really love, having it be a lifestyle blog and kind of like a portfolio of my work, is only fitting.

The excitement of starting something new is a joy. What new thing have you started that is just for you?

I hope you all have a great day and see you tomorrow.
