Lifestyle Wellness

Day 10 of the Consistency Challenge

Well we are at day 10 of the consistency challenge. At the end of every day, when I sit down to write my blog post, I think about how proud I am of myself for doing this. For sticking with this. Please know, if I can do this, so can you. Pick 3-5 things you want to be consistent with for 35 days, and just do it. Chronicle it, journal about it, put it on your calendar each day, and focus really hard on doing this for you.

While I have reached a plateau on my weight loss, I am beginning to slim up. Someone at work today noticed it. I am eating better, walking on the treadmill, doing pilates, drinking a lot of water, and tracking my calories. I really feel like my body is saying “thank you”.

Even if you don’t need to lose any weight, you can still work on being healthy and making good choices for yourself and your body. If you choose not to, that is totally cool too. I want to encourage you to “do you”. I never want to appear to be judgmental or anything. After all, I don’t want someone to be judgmental to me. But anyway, these are the things I have chosen for me because it matters to me. It hasn’t always, but now it does.

So here is how I did today. I walked on the treadmill this morning early, and have been drinking my water all day. (Still have a ways to go with the water today though). I ate very well today and stayed within the calorie count. My pilates workout hasn’t happened yet today, but I will get to it. I met the 6am wake up goal today and was on the treadmill by 6:10am.

I’m ready to keep this up again tomorrow. I hope you all have a great day!