Lifestyle Wellness

Day 8 & 9 of the Consistency Challenge

Every day I am coming back to it. This consistency challenge. Not perfectly, but showing up in some way.

Last night I walked one mile on the treadmill. It felt really good to do that. I am getting better at it, and not getting out of breath as bad. But I know that I am helping my health and it feels good.

Still struggling a little drinking every last drop of water in my jug everyday, but each day I try again. Progress is being made every day. I can tell by my skin that the water is sooo good for me.

Day 8 was not the greatest day eating wise. I ate a few more calories than I had intended. So on Day 9, I did a smoothie cleanse/fast where I had a smoothie for breakfast and for lunch, and then a mostly protein supper. I’m finding that if I eat a little more one day, then the next day, I fuel my body with good stuff. This is not “nutritionist approved or doctor approved”, but it is helping me to get back on track if I veer off a little.

Overall, I am so glad to be still doing this challenge. The crazy thing…I haven’t told anyone in my family I am doing this. A lot of times if I get a great idea, tell everyone I know, then I have trouble for some reason with follow-through. So for now, I’m keeping this one to myself in hopes I can continue on to the 35 day mark.