Do These 3 Things Everyday To Be Kind To Others
There is one thing in this world that is always going to be needed, and that is kindness. What better way to bring more kindness in to the world, than to be kindness. We as humans, should always be looking for ways to be kind to others everyday. So I have put together three simple ways to add a little more kindness to your days. Giving kindness usually helps you to receive kindness. But never give kindness only because you want kindness. Give it expecting nothing in return.
1. Smile. Always try to smile at others, whether you know them or not. When you are walking down the street, through a store, on the sidewalk, in your office. No matter where you are or what you are doing, smiling at others is a great way to spread a little cheer and let others know you have a kind heart. One of my favorite ways to be kind is, if I am in a store where a cashier or worker is getting chewed out by a customer, is to smile at them to let them know I understand and care. It also lets them know that not all customers are rude like the one chewing them out. This little bit of kindness will help the employee to feel a little more relaxed and will probably make less mistakes.
2. Compliment someone today. A great way to help boost the confidence of those around you, is to compliment them. Whether it be on an outfit they are wearing, a good quality they have, or something they are good at. One thing I try to do everyday is find one person everyday to compliment. You never know when that person just might need to hear a few kind words that day. What better way to boost someone’s day than with a compliment. We all have bad days. I get it. But wouldn’t it be nice to have a friend or even someone you don’t know, to compliment you, making your day a little easier.
3. Help someone. Noticing when someone needs a little help, is what my parents taught me, and I am very grateful for. When you see someone struggling with something, say lifting or moving something, offering a hand to help them out, makes their heavy load a little lighter. And I have never seen anyone not be appreciative of a little helping hand.
These are just 3 ways to add kindness to everyday. I can think of a bunch of other ideas as well. I am sure you can too. Sharing kindness will never grow old. It is a small solution to a bad day. What are some ways you can think of to spread a little kindness? Share your ideas in the comments below.
Have a great day.