Frugality Lifestyle Sustainability

Don’t Overspend…Plan Ahead

Have you ever gone to the store to get just one thing or a few things, and ended up getting a cartfull or way overspent what you had planned on spending? I’m sure you have…we all have. Well, I have really been trying to watch my spending, especially grocery wise. I am really bad about stocking up, but more over-stocking unnecessarily. We live in the country, and so I do not make it to town to the grocery store everyday. I also like to keep a stock of pantry goods that will last a long time, for, you know, if we ever have another(hopefully not), Covid-19. (When that hit, I was so glad I always kept a stock pile.) But I do that for other reasons as well…so that I am always prepared, and so I can pretty much cook anything at any time. The only things we have to buy weekly are the things that rot fast like milk, veggies, fruits, bread, eggs…you get the idea.

Many times I will buy 2 or 3 of something just because it’s on sale. While this may be a good idea for some items, it’s not for all items. Having a good plan in place (or a list that you stick to) before you go to the store, is a great help to prevent overspending. I make menus every week, that way I know for sure what I will need. I add items I need to a shared shopping list I share with my husband so we can both add things. Then when we grocery shop, we strive to not buy what isn’t on the list (this is a great tip, so common sense, but how often do you really do that?).

Another downfall I used to have was driving through the gas station and getting a tea and a snack, when I am running errands. How did I overcome this little money drainer?…I planned ahead. Pack a lunch when you know you will be in town for while or, if you want a soda, buy cans at the store by the case, and fill a to-go cup of soda from home. This could also go for stopping every morning to get a coffee (which I do not do-I drink a smoothie on my way to work, then make coffee at work I drink out of my Vera Bradley coffee mug). I know this is pretty small, but this is a big money drainer, and a quick one.

The holidays are coming up, and it is going to be easy to go overboard buying for everyone. So plan ahead. Look at the sales online, make a list in your notes app on your phone of what to get each person, and stick to it. If after all Christmas gifts are bought and you realize you might need a little something more for someone, then you go get them something else. But the holidays are always a time when people overspend. It is easy to do. I have been guilty as well. But plan ahead and prepare for the sales, and stick within your budget.

Planning ahead as much as I can for everything, is a big way to reduce your spending. Like packing your lunch, taking a water jug when you leave the house, setting boundaries with yourself, and inventory and organize your belongings so you know what you have ahead of time, so you don’t overbuy something.

My goal is to get better at planning ahead and not overspending on petty things. Maybe I’ll do another post in the future about ways to save money. Over the years, I have gotten pretty good at being frugal and had to cut many corners throughout my life. I still do, only I have grown to love being frugal. It’s kind of my way of life now, and I enjoy it.

Happy saving!
