Beauty Wellness

How I Avoid Eczema Flare-Ups

Eczema showed up in my life a few years ago, triggered by serious stress, and probably hereditary(I have a family member who has it). It has been a battle off and on ever since. At times it has flared-up so bad I have been covered from head to toe, thus resulting in a steroid shot at the doctor’s office, in order to withstand it and get it to go away, or at least calm down. That particular occasion of eczema was caused by stress…too much stress.

Over the past 4 years that I have had this condition, I have experienced not only stress flare-ups, but environmental (which are somewhat controllable) and hormonal flare-ups as well. Any kind of eczema flare-up is not enjoyable. But over the past couple of years, I have learned different ways to mitigate and almost alleviate bothersome flare-ups.

*A disclaimer: I am not in any way acting or trying to act as a medical professional. I have sought out medical help with my condition in which I encourage you to do the same. What worked for me, may not work for you, so it is best to seek a medical professional for medical advice. I am only sharing what has worked for me.*

From my story above about stress causing a flare-up, stress is a major trigger for me. Eczema rears its ugly head anytime I am highly stressed for sure. A little stress does not cause a full blown breakout for me, but rather just skin crawling or itchy hands and fingers.

My monthly cycle is another trigger that occurs pretty regularly. I think that as I am getting older, it is just a response to my ever changing body. But I am able to control it most of the time. However, there are times where nothing works, and I have to just push through until the itching/crawling skin passes.

After battling with Eczema for about 6 months, after I was diagnosed, I decided maybe all the scented body lotions, soaps, shower gels, perfumes, some laundry detergents, some dish soaps, and yes, even candles, were actually contributing to my eczema not ever going away or getting better. Now common sense tells you yes that would definately cause it and keep it lingering. Yep, I knew that, but Bath & Body Works lotions and shower gels were a total weakness for me. Four of my most favorite things that I can’t go without (or so I thought) was coffee, chapstick, books, and my beautiful smelling Bath & Body Works lotions I had been wearing since I was in Middle School. I just didn’t see why all of a sudden I would be “allergic” to them. Denial for sure!

So when I went back to my doctor and showed him the large area on my arms that were so bad they would bleed, he said, “You’re not using any scented lotions are you? Because with Eczema, that is a big no-no”. I looked at him with what I know was an absolute all-out guilty look and said, “Well, I kept thinking that’s not what’s causing it. I can’t give up my lotions”. He looked at me and said, “If you want to get rid of this Eczema, you’ll quit the lotions and anything else that is scented; even candles”. I know my jaw hit the floor. I was in pure denial.

So, I went home after that appointment, and wiped out all my NEW, yes I had brand New lotions I hadn’t even gotten to wear yet, and removed them from my bathroom closet to give to my mom, my granny, and anyone else who wanted them. But they had to get out of my house, or I was going to mourn them and give back in and have life long suffering of eczema.

Amazingly, my doctor was right, oh and my husband, who looked at me when I told him what the doctor said, and went “duh”. Within about 3 months, my eczema was virtually gone. I finally felt like the sacrifice was worth it in relief.

Not only did I remove all the lotions, but I removed all the scented shower gels, and quit burning candles every single day. Let’s just say my mom was thrilled…that is mainly for all the free new lotions and shower gels…oh, and she was very glad I had found my eczema trigger and vowed to rid myself of my scented lotions.

Now, I no longer smell like a walking Bath & Body Works model, but I prefer the Lubriderm lotion or what my dermatologist recommended, which is CeraVe, oh and occasionally using the steroid cream that was prescribed to me for the Eczema. I also use plain detergent, not detergents that are scented, unscented or hypoallergenic dish soaps and hand soaps, Ivory bar bath soap or Kirk’s bar soap, Dr. Teals bath soap for my bubble baths, and try my hardest not to burn candles.

Can I just say, I have never looked back. I am now a recovering scented lotion and shower gel woman. Am I jealous of those who can wear scented everything? Absolutely! LOL. No, I have accepted that this is my reality, and it hasn’t changed yet, and probably won’t.

Fast forward to today, I still have hormonal induced flare-ups and mild stress flare-ups; but nothing like what I had when I was in scented lotion denial. Sometimes, not very often, I will light a candle, like I did tonight, thinking that surely it won’t cause me to flare-up. And just like what happened tonight, that happens sometimes if I already have slight itchy/crawly skin, my skin starts itching all over, and the only thing to calm it down is a very hot shower, sometimes two showers. My husband said tonight, “You would think by now you would know you can’t light candles anymore”. He is so right. Will I ever learn?

I hope this relates to someone who deals with Eczema, that it can be mitigated. That it is possible. But you may have to decide to give up something you love in order to get the eczema under control. And with that, I mourn with you over the scented everything, but know there are other lotions out there that are great too!

What have you done to help get your eczema under control? Sharing tips with one another is great way to learn from one another.


**Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post. I do share products and they are strictly my own opinions.