Meal Prep Recipes

Meal Prep Recipe: Easy Grilled Salmon For Everyday

Salmon was never a meat I ever ate, or ever wanted to eat. But since November, I have been cooking Salmon once a week. While I will change up the seasonings sometimes, this recipe is my tried and true recipe that I have perfected over the past several months. The key for me in making salmon a food I began to like, was marinating the salmon in liquid smoke 30 minutes to 1 hour before grilling it. This recipe is one I think you will really enjoy.

Meal Prep (Night Before)
  1. Get salmon out of freezer and place on a plate or tray to thaw in the fridge overnight.
  2. Cut dill sprigs, wash them, and lay them on a towel in the fridge overnight to dry. (Herbs are much easier to mince when they are dry).
  3. Gather all your ingredients, that are non-refrigerated that you need for the salmon, on a tray. Set aside for tomorrow night for easy and quick cooking.

3 salmon fillets
2tbsp Hickory Liquid Smoke
Olive oil for drizzling
Blackened Seasoning

  1. Marinate the salmon in the liquid smoke for 1 hour before grilling in a covered dish in the fridge.
  2. Once salmon is marinated, drizzle with olive oil.
  3. Start the grill so it will be preheated and up to temperature. I usually like mine at 500 degrees.
  4. Season the salmon on the side that is up in the dish, with blackened seasoning.
  5. Lay the salmon on the grill with the seasoned side face down. Then season the side that is now face up.
  6. Sear the salmon until you can grab the sides of the salmon with tongs and wiggle it loose. If it sticks, it’s not ready to flip. If it doesn’t stick, it’s ready to flip.
  7. It is done when it reaches 165 degrees with a meat thermometer.