Mid-Year Check-In to Reset for the Remainder of the Year
There are 191 days left in 2024. That is plenty of time to do several things you still have left you want to do this year. Whether those things were on your list from the beginning of the year, or you want to add some things to your list, it’s not too late to make the most of what is left of 2024.
Many of us will waste time beating ourselves up over what we quit that we started at the beginning of the year, or what we failed at. Don’t do that. Rather, use this mid-year point as your check-in point to reset for the remainder of the year. If you have been plugging along all year with your goals, be proud of yourself! Use this time, as a reflection time to reflect on what you have accomplished, what’s worked and what hasn’t worked, and what you have left to accomplish for the rest of the year.
The How’s of the Mid-Year Reset
- Reflect. Whether you have been plugging along with your goals or have dropped off with your goals, reflect on what you did accomplish. Even if you didn’t stick out with your goals, you probably did accomplish a lot if you think about it. Write those things down you accomplished. From very small, to very big.
- Write down what worked and what didn’t. For the goals that you did accomplish, what helped or enabled you to accomplish them? For the goals that you didn’t finish or accomplish, what didn’t work or hindered you from accomplishing them? Many times we just go about our goals the wrong way. For example, I make all these outrageous goals for myself, thinking I can do this and that, but it is too unrealistic. Make them realistic (see the next one).
- Think of ways to make your goals work for you, so you stick with them. Piggy-backing off the one before this one, now that you have identified the goals that didn’t work, and why, figure out ways to make your goals work. What can you do to work on finishing them or implementing them by the end of the year? Maybe you need to break your goals down into smaller bite sized pieces. Maybe you need to schedule time on your calendar for your goals. Or maybe you need to have an accountability partner to help keep you moving along, like a walking partner. The idea though is to figure out the best way for you to accomplish your goals.
- Write new goals if you have them, or update your current goals.
- Break your goals down into the last 2 quarters of the year, months left, weeks left, and then days.
- Calendar your goals.
- Create your daily to do list off of your goal breakdown. Don’t schedule too much each day. Follow the James Clear method of doing just 1% more each day.
- When you accomplish a goal, celebrate or reward yourself. Maybe with a little self-care, a bubble bath, a new book, a movie, a sweet treat, or whatever you really love that celebrates your little milestones of achievement.
Remember to be gentle with yourself and give yourself grace. Do a little each day. Little by little moves the needle more than setting outlandish goals only to get overwhelmed and quit. Have a great evening!