
What I Love About Reading

Every evening, no matter what, I read. Usually a book or magazine, or both. I love to read before I go to sleep because it relaxes me and makes me fall asleep. Reading is a way to escape to another world, or learning how to make your world better, or simply for information. My absolute favorite things to read are fiction love stories or rom coms, and non-fiction. But you can find me dipping my toes in many different genres just because I want to be a well-rounded reader, because this helps you to learn more.

So, am I the only one who still reads actual physical magazines, or what? I sure hope not! I have hands down loved magazines since I was a little girl reading Seventeen, Teen, YM, Country Woman, and Victoria. The love for Country Woman and Victoria came from my Granny who helped to spark the domestic hobbies in me. I still read magazines and subscribe to them. In fact, I keep my magazines as well, for future reference. I can’t seem to part with them because I treasure them just like my books.

What do you love about reading, and do you have any recs?