
The #75hardstylechallenge

A big trend with the younger generation right now on TikTok and Instagram is the #75hardchallenges. It’s where you choose to do a series of habits(like workout, drink water, getting up early, or 10k steps a day, and more) for 75 days straight. If you miss a day, you start back over at day 1. I, obviously, am not a member of the younger generation, but I was very glad to find that a new trend has started about style, called the #75hardstylechallenge, by a woman(not sure how old she is), @oldloserinbrooklyn.

I was thrilled to find this trend on Instagram, and even more thrilled to find that women of all ages were participating. Anywhere from 20s to 60s. How cool is that! And the main idea behind it is to wear what you have already in your closet. It doesn’t promote to buy anything at all. In fact, the challenge encourages you to not buy anything for the 75 days.

Immediately, I started following several women who were doing the challenge, and also the hashtags.

One of my favorite things to do is watch outfit reels or look for outfit inspo. With this challenge you are forced to create and be creative with your wardrobe. It really pushes you to be more sustainable, to use what you have already to make outfits.

So here are the rules or guidelines. for the challenge:

  • Get dressed everyday using the clothes and accessories you have in your closet already.
  • Take an outfit photo, or vlog of your outfit, everyday. Make style notes of each outfit. What you liked and didn’t like. What could possibly pair with it, or other ways you could wear it next.
  • Do your best not to buy anything new until after the challenge is over. But over the course of the 75 days, capture notes or start a list of items that you realize you need or would like to have.
  • Create challenge goals such as start on one end of the closet, or one drawer, or wear everything in order.
  • When creating your daily outfits, be creative. Use your clothes as tools. Wear them all kinds of different ways you may have never thought of before. Make notes.
  • Use this 75 days as an opportunity to declutter and organize your closet as you go and as you wear things.

So, to follow my daily journey through this challenge, you can find me on Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest. I hope you choose to start this challenge as well. It’s gonna be great. Are you gonna do the challenge? Share in the comments.

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